Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Create Ansible Role to create a new EC2 instance | Ansible Role for provisioning infrastructure in AWS | Refactor Ansible playbook into Ansible Role

We will learn how to create Ansible Role for provisioning a new EC2 instance in AWS cloud. We will pick a playbook which has all the logic and we will refactor into reusable ansible role.

What is Ansible Role?
Ansible also lets you organize tasks in a directory structure called a Role. Using Ansible roles you can break down complex playbooks into smaller and manageable chunks. Ansible role enables reuse and share our Ansible code efficiently.

How to create Ansible Role?

Using ansible galaxy command, we can create Ansible role. This will create the below directory with all the files. 

directory structure of Ansible role
├── README.md
├── create.yml
├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
├── handlers
│   └── main.yml
├── meta
│   └── main.yml
├── tasks
│   ├── create-ec2.yml
│   └── create-sg.yml
├── tests
│   ├── inventory
│   └── test.yml
└── vars
    └── main.yml

Directory structure explained
tasks - contains the main list of tasks to be executed by the role.
handlers - handlers are typically used to start, reload, restart, and stop services.
defaults - default variables for the role.
vars - other variables for the role. Vars has the higher priority than defaults.
meta - defines some data / information about this role (author, dependency, versions, examples, etc,.)

tests - test cases if you have any.

Steps to create EC2 instance using Ansible Role:

Login to EC2 instance using Git bash or ITerm/putty where you installed Ansible. Execute the below command:

Create an Inventory file first

sudo mkdir /etc/ansible

Edit Ansible hosts or inventory file
sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts

Add the below two lines in the end of the file:

cd ~
mkdir roles  
cd roles

Create Ansible Role

ansible-galaxy role init aws-infra-role

We will convert this playbook into ansible role.
So all the variables will go inside vars folder.

    └── main.yml

sudo vi aws-infra-role/vars/main.yml
(copy below content)
keypair: myNov2023Key
instance_type: t2.small
image: ami-007855ac798b5175e
wait: yes
group: webserver
region: us-east-1
security_group: my-jenkins-security-grp1

Save the file and come out of it.

So all the tasks will go inside tasks folder. let's create security group first.

sudo vi aws-infra-role/tasks/create-sg.yml
  - include_vars: "vars/main.yml"
    tags: create

# tasks file for security group
  - name: configuring security group for the instance
        name: "{{ security_group }}"
        description: my-ajenkin-security_groAup
        region: "{{ region }}"
            - proto: tcp
              from_port: 22
              to_port: 22
            - proto: tcp
              from_port: 80
              to_port: 80
            - proto: tcp
              from_port: 8080
              to_port: 8080
            - proto: all

Let's create a task for ec2 instance creation.

sudo vi aws-infra-role/tasks/create-ec2.yml

  - include_vars: "vars/main.yml"
    tags: create
  - name: creating ec2 instance
        security_group: "{{ security_group }}"
        name: test-stan
        key_name: "{{ keypair }}"
        instance_type: "{{ instance_type}}"
        image_id: "{{ image }}"
        region: "{{ region }}"
        wait_timeout: 2   

Let's create a task for creating s3 bucket.

sudo vi aws-infra-role/tasks/create-s3.yml                                                                                                     ---
  - include_vars: "vars/main.yml"
    tags: create
  - name: creating s3

      name: myansibles3bucket1234
      state: present
      region: "{{ region }}"
      versioning: yes
        name: myansiblebucket
        type: example
    register: s3_url

  - name: Display s3 url
    debug: var=s3_url       

Let's create Ansible main playbook.
sudo vi aws-infra-role/main.yml
# This Playbook creates infra in aws cloud

- hosts: local
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
  tags: ec2_create

  - include: tasks/create-sg.yml
  - include: tasks/create-ec2.yml
  - include: tasks/create-s3.yml 

now execute the ansible playbook by
ansible-playbook aws-infra-role/main.yml

If everything is good, you should see the new instance, S3 bucket created on AWS console. make sure you are able to connect to that instance.

That's it!! That is how you create a new EC2 instance using Ansible role in AWS cloud. 
Please watch steps in YouTube channel:

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Install Ansible on Red Hat Linux | Setup Ansible on Red Hat Linux

How to setup Ansible on Red Hat Linux VM?

Ansible is #1 configuration management tool. It can also be used for infrastructure provisioning as well. or You can use Ansible in combination of Terraform which can take care of infra automation and Ansible can do configuration management. We will be setting up Ansible on Red Hat VM in Azure cloud And create some resources in AWS Cloud by using Ansible playbooks.

Ansible Architecture:

The best way to install Ansible in Linux is to use PIP, a package manager for Python.

  • Create new Red Hat EC2 in AWS Cloud for setting up Ansible, just open port 22 in firewall rule.
How to setup Ansible on Red Hat Linux VM?

Watch Steps in YouTube channel:

Change host name to AnsibleMgmtNode
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname 

Update Repository
sudo yum update -y

Install Python-pip3
sudo yum install python3-pip -y

Upgrade pip3 sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip

# Install Ansible pip3 install "ansible==2.9.17"

check Ansible version
ansible --version

Friday, January 19, 2024

Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 22.0.4 | Setup Jenkins on Linux instance | How to setup Jenkins in Ubuntu EC2 instance using Java 17?

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration/continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) automation software DevOps tool written in the Java programming language. It is used to implement CI/CD workflows, called pipelines.

Please follow the steps to install Java, Jenkins, Maven on Ubuntu 22.0.4 instance. Jenkins, Maven are Java based applications, so we need to install Java first. 

  • port 8080 opened in firewall rule to access Jenkins
  • Connect to EC2 instance using git bash or iTerm

Change Host Name to Jenkins
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname Jenkins

Perform update first
sudo apt update

Install Java 17
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk -y

Verify Java Version
java -version

Maven Installation
Maven is a popular build tool used for building Java applications. Please click here to learn more about Maven. You can install Maven by executing below command:

sudo apt install maven -y

you can type mvn --version
you should see the below output.

Now lets start Jenkins installation

Jenkins Setup

Add Repository key to the system
curl -fsSL https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian/jenkins.io-2023.key | sudo tee \
  /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null

Append debian package repo address to the system
echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \
  https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian binary/ | sudo tee \
  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null

Update Ubuntu package
sudo apt update
Install Jenkins
sudo apt install jenkins -y

The above screenshot should confirm that Jenkins is successfully installed.

Access Jenkins in web browser

Now Go to AWS console. Click on EC2, click on running instances link. Select the checkbox of EC2 you are installing Java and Jenkins. Click on Action. Copy the value from step 4 that says --> Connect to your instance using its Public DNS:

Now go to browser. enter public dns name or public IP address with port no 8080.

Unlock Jenkins
You may get screen, enter the below command in Git bash( Ubuntu console)
Get the initial password from the below file
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Copy the password and paste in the browser.
Then click on install suggested plug-ins. 
Also create user name and password.
enter everything as admin. at least user name as admin password as admin
Click on Save and Finish. Click on start using Jenkins. Now you should see a screen like below:

That's it. You have setup Jenkins successfully 😊Please watch the steps in our YouTube channel:

How to Enable to use the classic editor to create a pipeline without YAML in Azure DevOps | Enable Classic Pipeline Option in Azure DevOps

How to Enable to use classic editor to create a pipeline without YAML in Azure DevOps ?

The "classic pipeline" is simply a term that refers to a simple way of creating pipelines in Azure DevOps using UI. The purpose of this web forms based assistant is basically to hide the complexity of the pipeline’s YAML based syntax. In other words, user can create pipelines without having to deal with “code”. 

If classic editor option is disabled in Azure DevOps, you may see something like below in your Azure DevOps project. We can enable it by changing the settings at project or organizational level.

How to enable the classic build and release pipelines?

You can enable/disable it two ways
  • Organizational level
  • Project Level

In Azure DevOps,  Go to Project Settings, Under Pipelines > Settings > General. Make sure 'Disable creation of classic build pipelines' and 'Disable creation of classic release pipelines' is turned off, to have classic editor shown after creating a project.

If those options are disabled, go to organizational level and do the same in 'Organization Settings'.

Select Pipelines --> Settings

Finally disable the options highlighted in the image below
when you go try creating a new pipeline, you should see the option now.

Watch Steps in YouTube channel: